General design
Performing the function of a general designer in the development of design or detail documentation.
The main task of the general designer is to organize and coordinate the work on the preparation of sections of design and estimate documentation, including:
- Assisting the Customer in preparing a design assignment.
- Participation in the formation of technical tasks.
- Formation of the composition of project documentation.
- Determination of a volume of necessary engineering surveys, if provided by the assignment - performing engineering surveys.
- Determination of the need and organization of work on the development of special technical conditions.
- Forming a project team.
- Coordination and coordination of project activities.
- Interaction with approving bodies and organizations.
- Project development control.
- Representation and defense of decisions in expert bodies.
- Development of sections of project documentation, sets of working documentation.
- Search and conclusion of contracts with subcontractors.
- Support in the development of documentation by subcontractors.