The hotel complex on Suschevsky Val in Moscow consists of two blocks of buildings of 11 and 15 floors, united by a common stylobate part. Blocks "A" and "B" with their multi-storey volumes form an inner courtyard - a public recreational space connected by a ramp and a staircase directly to Suschevsky Val.
The main lobby, rooms, restaurant, conference rooms, a fitness center with a swimming pool are located in block "A" of the hotel complex. Block "B" is designed to accommodate auxiliary premises - administrative and cultural and leisure purposes. In the underground part of the complex there are parking lots for visitors and employees of the complex and premises for the installation of engineering equipment.
A high level of comfort is provided by a well-developed infrastructure and high-quality engineering equipment.
- Location Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 43
- Area 44 420 m2
- Number of storeys 15
- Status Project
- Architecture Architectural bureau "Tsimailo, Lyashenko and partners"
- Design stages Project documentation
- Architectural and structural design Structural solutions
Design of internal engineering systems
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Water supply and sewerage systems
Power supply systems
Low-current system
Automation and dispatching systems - Special sections Energy efficiency